Law Shue Yee

Law Shue Yee

Law Shue Yee

Law Shue Yee

Shue as she is fondly called, is an Engineer by profession. She took up photography after being encouraged to do so by her colleagues. Since getting her first DSLR camera last August, there has been no turning back. She says the experience at Siem Reap has been really valuable and had brought her photography skills up to another level. You can be sure this gutsy lady will continue to pursue her photography journey till she gets every shot perfect. This picture of Shue framed by two huge buttress roots of a gaint tree in the Preah Khan temple, was shot by Yap Yu-dan.

Mother and Child cooking their lunch in the kitchen

Mother and Child cooking their lunch in the kitchen

Mother and Child in the kitchen of their tiny house made of bamboo and coconut fronds. The slice of sunlight shining through a gap in the roof, casts an exquisite light on them. The smoke from the wooden stove is what makes this picture special. This is a photographer’s dream light, the kind that winds competitions. The shot has been perfectly exposed to capture the blue smoke nicely. This picture is one of the favourites of the Editors.

Father and Son

Father and Son

Father and Son. A new generation about to repeat the cycle of so many cycles before. Ancient Cambodia was once a powerful Hindu and Buddhist Khmer Empire, which ruled most of Indochinese Peninsula during their golden years from 11th to 14th centuries. Their greatness is reflected in the exquisite architectural treasures they left behind. Barely a generation ago, a million Cambodians were victims of genocide by the Pol Pot Regime.



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