PMPE Stage 1, 2 Days Photography Workshop on 16th to 17th July 2011
Thank you very much for your support for this PhotoMalaysia PhotoSafari Experience (PMPE) program. We have conducted this program for about two years. More than 250 participants have benefited from our Stage 1, 2 days photography workshop and about 100 participants have joined us in our Stage 2 program. We have conducted no less than 10 photography photo safaris ranging from countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal, Indonesia, Bangladesh and China. We are very encouraged by the results and progress we get from the participants.
PMPE has successfully held an Exhibition, “Shunder Bangladesh” in Nikon Centre from 1st of May to 30th June 2011.
This will be an exciting year as we are also planning some of these trips in collaboration with our Crossing Bridges partners. There will be an exchange of ideas, cultures and styles in photography. This will inevitably improve the quality and standard of our photography.
We will be conducting our 2 days photography workshop independent of our photo trips so that more members can participate. These photography workshops are designed as an intensive crash course for taking your photography to a higher level. There will be something in it for beginners, intermediate and even advanced photographers. We hope to hold about 3 to 4 such workshops in 2011, and even if you do not attend the Stage 2 Photo Safari where all that you have learned in Stage 1 will be demonstrated in real time at an exotic photo shooting location, what you picked up at the workshop will become a solid foundation on which to build your future self-learning.
PMPE- Stage 1, 2 Days Photography Workshop
Saturday 16th to Sunday 17th July 2011
This photography workshop will be held at the APiiC Academy, Petaling Jaya. This workshop is specially structured for newbies and intermediate photographers to equip them with essential skills to shoot better pictures, and to kick-start their photography towards a higher level of sophistication. The workshop will be conducted by Digitalartist and Maxby, and the subjects to be taught are shown in the detailed program below the pictures.
More than 1500 slides will be used during two intensive days of reprogramming your photographic instincts.
Stage One Workshop Program
0800 – 0815 Pre Flight Checks – Calibrating your Camera
0815 – 0830 Learning to clean your own Sensor
0830 – 0900 Recipe For Good Pictures
0900 – 0930 How to Shoot Good Pictures
0930 – 1000 How to Shoot Better Pictures
1000 – 1015 TEA BREAK
1015 – 1115 The Exposure Triangle & How to Use your camera
1115 – 1230 How to Compose Pictures – part 1
1230 – 1330 LUNCH
1330 – 1430 How to Compose Pictures – part 2
1430 – 1445 Why your pictures are not Sharp?
1445 – 1530 How to Shoot Landscapes
1530 – 1545 TEA BREAK
1545 – 1645 How to Shoot Street photography
1645 – 1730 How to Shoot Situations (Sunsets, Silhouettes, Sports, Panos, Fireworks, Panning, etc .)
0800 – 1000 Introduction to Portraiture, Lighting & Studio Photography
1000 – 1015 TEA BREAK
1015 – 1100 How to Shoot Black and White
1100 – 1230 How to Shoot Travel Photography
1230 – 1330 LUNCH
1330 – 1530 Post processing – How to Use Bridge, Adobe Camera RAW & Lightroom
1530 – 1545 TEA BREAK
1545 – 1645 Post processing – A Photoshop Workflow & How to Wow with Post Processing
1645 – 1730 Panel Q&A, photo critique
Participation Fee for Stage One
The Participation fee for the two days’ workshop, which includes lunch on both days, and snacks during tea breaks, is only RM600 per person.
This two days photography workshop is Stage One, and constitutes the classroom section of a Comprehensive Photography Enhancement Program. Stage Two is 5 to 7 days of 24/7 hands-on personal coaching on a PhotoSafari at an exotic location such as Vietnam, Cambodia, The Old Silk Road, Nepal, India, Philippines, Africa, etc.
Registration is now open. Send a pm or email to: [email protected] to book your place for the Workshop. Include your full name, telephone, email address, to facilitate communications. Further details and how to pay will be provided by return email once your application is accepted..
During the Photosafari trip, the Learning Points picked up in the workshop, will be re-explained, reinforced and demonstrated in real time 24/7 by the mentors on the PhotoSafari. You are assured of returning from the PhotoSafari a far better, and a much more sensitive photographer than at the start. Please click on the books images below to see the work of past participants who attended previous Workshops and Photosafaris. Several were newbies when they enrolled for the workshop and the photosafari, with a few buying their DSLR just days before going for the PhotoSafari. Their pictures in the publications below are testimony of the photographers they are now. Participants in this PhotoSafari will also have some of their pictures featured in a Coffee Table book to be published after the PhotoSafari.
We hope to announce the details of Stage 2 of the PMPE to Cebu City, Philippines very soon.