This is a cut food series by Beth Galton, a studio photographer which exposes the innards of everyday food objects. This was done together with a Food Stylist, Charlotte Omnes. This series give a surprising look at a cut section of our everyday foods such as instant noodles, cakes, drinks, eggs and ice cream.
Galton’s continued work with still life and food photography led her to other conceptual projects: ‘the series of texture’, which features food surfaces covered in thick, paint like layers of condiments and ‘idioms’, a project which put two juxtaposed elements side by side, visually communicating idiomatic phrases like ‘the chicken and the egg’ and ‘ two peas in a pod’.
this series was inspired by an assignment in which we were asked to cut a burrito in half for a client. normally for a job, we photograph the surface of food, occasionally taking a bite or a piece out, but rarely the cross section of a finished dish. by cutting these items in half we move past the simple appetite appeal we normally try to achieve and explore the interior worlds of these products.’ says beth galton
For more information please go to Design Boom
All images courtesy of Beth Galton