Shanim Shamsuddin
Shanim works in Media Broadcasting. She is new to DSLR photography and she says she has benefited greatly from the PMPE. Shanim has a good eye for details and is able to capture decisive emotional moments that has allude a lot of beginners. Her picture on the “Crying of Fright” at the sight of so many photographers is good example. Another of her well captured image was the differential focusing shot of a “Traditional Khmer Dancer” shot using a long telephoto lens and a large aperture. The large aperture was able to produce a narrow depth of field (DOF), isolating the subject from the other Dancers and the background.
Another example was her shot on the “Market Trader” at a wet market on the way to a local village. She was obviously tickled that Shanim wanted to shoot her picture. The point we are trying to get encourage in street shooting was to go for “in your face” type of shots, to engage the subject and not shoot from across the road. A short lens would place the subject within the context of the environment. A street shot using a long telephoto lens has a furtive quality of the paparazzi stalking his victim.
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