is pleased to present the “SILK ROUTE PHOTOSAFARI” from 16th Oct to 2nd Nov 2010
This is a tour for Photographers organized by Photographers. It is a specially designed photosafari to take participants through 18 days of photography and fun along one of the most ancient trade routes in the world. This route has been used for more than two thousand years to facilitate trade and cultural exchanges between the East (China) and the West (India, Turkey, Middle East, Africa and Europe)
This photosafari route traces the foot steps of one of the famous journeys to the west by a Buddhist Monk, Xuan Zang in the Epic novel called “Journey to the West.”
The route starts from Xian to Dunhuang, Turpan, Luntai, Kuche, Hetian, Kashgar and ends in Urumqi.
A detail itinerary can be obtained from the Organisers.
As with any photo trips organized by PhotoSafari, there will be photo review, critic and sharing session on some of the nights.
Places are limited to 23 participants. For enquires please contact us.